Meet Bhavna Sud: Developer by Day, Explorer by Night!

3 min readFeb 23, 2022


Job Title: Software Engineer
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Say hello to one of our returning new grads, Bhavna Sud, from our summer 2021 internship class! Bhavna is a recent graduate of UC Berkeley with a major in computer science and a connoisseur of all things chocolate.

Tell us about your role and team.

I'm a software engineer on the Search & CV team. I do backend and computer vision development!

Why did you join Verkada?

I joined Verkada because I really enjoyed the company culture during my internship. Everyone is super friendly, welcoming, and hardworking. I also feel like I am working with very talented people.

What has been your favorite project to work on so far?

During my internship, I worked on undistorting images from our fisheye cameras so that we could run our object detection model on them. It was a challenging project and I was able to experiment with different techniques for solving the problem, which was really cool. I enjoyed working on a project that was important for the growth of the product. My internship at Verkada gave me the opportunity to solve different challenges that I was able to put in production.

What is your team culture like?

Everyone is very focused on their work and wants to get a lot done. At the same time, we are all ready to have a lot of fun. :)

Bhavna Sud and Grace Wang working on a project together. Or maybe talking about “Dhoom 2,” Bhavna’s favorite movie.

Tell us something we wouldn’t guess about you!

I am a twin!

Other than working… what are some of your favorite things to do?

I like to run, hike, and am getting back into reading.

What was your favorite part of the internship?

Some of my favorite parts of the internship were all of the events organized by the University Recruiting team. The best event was definitely the sendoff where we got to celebrate the end of our internship on a yacht!

What is some advice you’d give to new grads interested in Verkada?

Verkada is a great company to join if you want a place where you work hard and get to learn a lot from some of the best engineers in the industry. I’d say don’t be afraid to network around you! Verkada is a great place to make friends. :)

What do you love about the Bay Area?

I like the beautiful hiking trails, and all of the restaurants in Berkeley and San Francisco.

Taken on one of Bhavna’s hikes at the Berkeley Fire Trails

Bonus Round:

Are you binge watching anything? Community.
What’s a book you’d recommend? Doughnut by Tom Holt.
Any hobbies? Running.
Are you building anything on the side? Not right now, but maybe soon!
What’s on your travel bucket list? I really want to go to Hawaii!




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